The Life Changer Questions And Answers JAMB Novel 2024

The Life Changer Questions And Answers JAMB Novel 2024:

The Life Changer Questions And Answers Chapter 1

What time does Ummi’s husband usually close from work?

Ummi’s husband usually leaves work by 5 pm.

Why does Bint’s mom often enter her children’s bedroom without knocking on the door?

She wanted them to get used to her presence and to always ensure they maintained
good hygiene by keeping their room tidy.

Who is Teemah?

She is Ummi’s First Daughter and also her second child

Who is Bint?

Bint is Ummi’s daughter, she is her youngest child

What was Omar’s JAMB score?

Omar scored 230 in his UTME exams.

How old was Omar when he got admission into the university?

Omar was 18 years old when he got admitted into the university

What course was Omar offered at Ahmadu Bello University?

He was given admission to study Law at Kongo Campus in Ahmadu Bello University.

Who did the social studies teacher call on to help him answer Bint’s questions?

He asked the French mistress who often teaches the senior classes to help him answer
Bint’s question

How old is Bint?

Bint is 5 years old

The Life Changer Questions And Answers Chapter 2

Why did Ummi’s husband laugh at her when she narrated her experience with her HOD?

Ummi’s husband found her story amusing because she wasn’t aware he and the
HOD were friends and he even helped assist with her admission into the university.

What did Ummi mean by saying it was a double celebration when she was leaving for the

Apart from the fact that she was finally going to university, her husband
also suggested that they get married as soon as possible.

What is Ummi’s HOD’s name?

Ummi’s HOD’s name is Dr. Samuel Johnson.

What facial features did Ummi and her husband often use to describe her HOD?

Ummi’s HOD had clearly visible tribal marks and this was often used to describe
him. He was also said to look like an Igala or Yoruba man.

Why did Ummi not tell her HOD that she was happily married?

Ummi didn’t tell the HOD she was married because she felt since he never asked then disclosing that
information wasn’t necessary.

Where did Ummi and Salma first meet?

They met at the faculty registration office

Who told Ummi “You are better than I imagined”?

Ummi’s HOD said this to her while she was in his office.

The Life Changer Questions And Answers Chapter 3

How did Talle lose his parents?

Talle lost his dad and stepmom in a car accident

Why did Talle’s parents need the help of a traditional medicine man?

Talle’s parents were married for many years without being able to have a child, so they sought the help
of the traditional medicine man called a BOKA

Who is Zaki?

Zaki is Talle’s partner in crime, he is a suspect in a case of kidnapping and extortion

What unusual activity brought about unwanted attention to Talle?

The grocer at the store where Talle often shopped noticed the number of food items he usually
purchases suddenly doubled.

Why did the grocer and other people feel the need to be concerned about this?

They knew Talle lived alone and couldn’t possibly consume all the food items he was
buying frequently.

What is the title given to the district head of Lafayette?

The district head in Lafayette is called the HAKIMAl.

The Life Changer Questions And Answers Chapter 4

Why was Salma hostel very popular?

Salma’s hostel was famous for having the most beautiful girls on campus. The ladies often referred to themselves as “happening babes”.

What car were Labaran and Habib driving?

The young men were driving a Mercedes Benz.

Why was Dr. Dabo afraid after Salma left his office?

Dr. Dabo feared Salma wouldn’t report him to the school authorities and that would tarnish his reputation which he had worked hard to build.

Describe Doctor Dabo’s reputation on campus

Dr Dabo was known to be a strict lecturer who takes punctuality very seriously. He also had a good record and reputation on campus.

What is the name of Salma’s hostel?

Salma’s hostel was called Queen Amina Hall.

The Life Changer Questions And Answers Chapter 5

Who is Habib?

Habib is a wealthy politician. He is a member of the State House of Assembly.

How much did Habib give Tomiwa?

Habib gave Tomiwa fifty thousand naira. He told her to take twenty thousand and give her friends ten thousand naira each.

What caused the argument between Salma and her roommates?

Salma became jealous because she had missed the opportunity to date a wealthy man like Habib. She then began to accuse Tomiwa of snatching Habib from her

What did Salma do when Habib asked for her number?

Salma gave Habib Tomiwa’s phone number instead of her number.

Why was Tomiwa angry at Habib?

Tomiwa got upset when Habib found out she was a different person. She then admitted she wasn’t the lady he picked up the other day and explained why Salma had given him the wrong number

Who set Tomiwa up on a blind date?

Tomiwa’s roommate, Salma set her up on a blind date.

Who called Tomiwa’s phone to invite her to hang out with him?

Habib called Tomiwa’s number and invited her on a date thinking she was Salma

The Life Changer Questions And Answers Chapter 6

Why did Salma find Moral Philosophy difficult?

Salma’s wasn’t good at Moral philosophy because she never attended the class

Why did the female invigilator instantly dislike Salma?

The female invigilator didn’t like Salma’s seductive dressing, and for this reason, she disliked Salma the moment she lays eyes on her

How many students went to the HOD’s office after the exams?

Three students went to the HOD office. Salma, Kola, and the other student also signed the witness form.

What is student magic?

Student magic is a method that students secretly use to communicate during exams without moving their lips

Who did Salma reach out to for help during the Moral Philosophy exams?

Salma used “student magic” to communicate with Kola. Who later passed her a note containing
answers to some questions

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The Life Changer Questions And Answers Chapter 7

How much did Dr Kabir demand from Salma?

Dr. Kibir demanded a bribe of two hundred thousand naira from Salma but she declined his request and said she didn’t have that amount

How did Habib assist Salma?

Habib gave Salma the money she needed to bribe the Chairman of the Exams Malpractice and Ethics Committee.

How did Salma plan to save herself from getting expelled?

Salma suggested Habib should help her speak with the Chairman of the Exams Malpractice and Ethics Committee

Why did Salma reject Habib’s suggestion of seeking help from Professor Dabo?

Salma rejected Habib’s suggestion because she previously had issues with Professor Dabo.

Who is Dr. Mohammed Kabir?

Dr. Mohammed Kabir is the man who pretended to be a member of the Exams Malpractice and Ethics Committee but duped Salma of her money.

The Life Changer Questions And Answers Chapter 8

Which illegal deal did Zaki and Habib carry out in the past?

Habib was the mastermind of the kidnapping of a businessman’s son. He paid Zaki who later involved Talle in the deal but unfortunately, their plan failed and Zaki and Talle were arrested

What bad habit was Kabir addicted to?

Kabir was addicted to gambling. He often gambles playing cards.

How much bribe did Habib pay to bail Zaki and Talle from police custody?

Habib paid the sum of two hundred and fifty thousand naira to release Zaki and Talle from police

What made Salma decide to change and become responsible?

When Salma lost her father, she decided to change and become more decent

Who is Salim?

Salim is Salma’s fiancé.

What was the name of the thug sent to attack Kabir?

The name of the thug which the Kartagi sent to attack Kabir was GUMUZU

Who did Habib and Labaran contact to deal with Kabir for duping Salma?

Habib and Labaran contacted Zaki to track down Kabir and get back Salma’s money

The Life Changer Questions And Answers Chapter 9

What was Salim addicted to on his new smartphone?

Salim was addicted to social media and chat applications

Why did Lawal dislike online dating?

Lawal disliked online dating because he believed people often perpetrate scams and even kidnappings through online dating

Who is Lawal?

Lawal is Salim’s friend

who is Natasha?

Natasha is a lady whom Salim met on social media.

What lesson did Ummi want her kids to learn from Salim’s story?

Ummi wanted her kids especially Omar to be aware of the dangers of owning a smartphone and the risks involved in social media.

What happened when Salim went to visit Natasha?

Salim’s car was hijacked by armed robbers, fortunately, he was still able to escape unhurt with his car

What did Salim later discover about Natasha?

Salim later discovered that Natasha was working with the robbers who often use her as bait to attract their victims.


The Life Changer is a novel that teaches us valuable lessons about life, especially for young people who are aspiring to pursue higher education. The novel shows us the importance of making the right choices, avoiding bad influences, and being responsible for our actions.

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